
I'm back... sort of

School has been stressing me up to the point that I actually get sick. Now, I don't you have ever heard of someone getting sick from studying too much. But if not, yeah I'd be the first. Odd as it sounds I've been studying my ass to death. I know, I know. This is not like me at all, studying and all that crap. Anyone who's ever known me and been my classmate would know that I have the laziest ass in the planet! Like literally. I don't review until 5 mins before the quiz, I copy homeworks 2 mins before checking, I let someone write my name, Christ's sake! And don't get me started on what I do at home, it's too tempting.

I was also in some sort of writer's block, if you may. I couldn't think of anything to put in here. I would start typing then pause then type again, another pause... type again and another long pause... then click the save button and that's it. I didn't have the "right inspiration", so to speak. Hey but that doesn't mean I'm inspired or whatever. Somehow, I just have something to say. It's like I'm no longer a constipated writer (someone, for me, who's having writer's block). Thank God for that.

Now I do wish that this continues until I can write that damn essay our english teacher is making us write.

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